Social and Our Company Culture

Our Company Ethos Revolves Around How We Behave with Unconditional Love with High Expectations While Demonstrating Care, Courage, and Respect.

We adhere to Lean Manufacturing principles and continuously seek sustainable practices to drive our success. Efficiency is ingrained in our operations, saving both time and energy.

We acknowledge the diversity of individuals, each with unique roles and responsibilities beyond the workplace.  At Cambridge, we value the holistic identity of every team member, recognizing the significance of personal growth and fulfillment alongside professional achievements. 

Here's what it entails:

  • Empathetic leaders who recognize your multifaceted identity beyond your role
  • Leadership training programs fostering personal and professional development
  • Transparent career paths supported by resources for acquiring new skills
  • A culture characterized by open communication and collaboration

Why We Exist: To glorify God by enriching the quality of every life we touch. 

How We Behave: We behave with unconditional love with high expectations while demonstrating care, courage and respect.

What We Do: We help leaders in manufacturing and warehousing create healthy working environments for their hard-working people.

Employee Experience

"One You" Campaign

The phrase “One You” encompasses the fact that we want our company culture to celebrate enriching the lives of our employees both within and beyond our walls. We recognize their roles as family members, individuals with goals, and commitments across all facets of life. We believe in embracing their uniqueness so they can thrive—whether at work or at home—as better mothers, fathers, siblings, and children.

Read more about our company culture and how we celebrate the One You.


Learning and Development

CORE, launched at Cambridge in August 2020, is a leader-led development program centered on coaching. It provides a structured methodology to address human challenges and simplifies the process of equipping leaders with essential people skills. CORE's empathetic approach has proven valuable across various leadership roles, including those without direct supervision responsibilities. To date, 57 participants have graduated, with 13 more finishing in December.

Here's more information on CORE and how it can contribute to your organizations success.


Supplier Diversity

Diversity amongst our supply chain widens our horizons in terms of perspectives, continuous improvement, and great ideas that help drive our growth and further our involvement in the communities that we serve. We work with multiple diverse suppliers including women owned businesses like LAU as well as companies that specialize in neurodiverse workforces like Boones Center Inc. Through these efforts, we aim to bring glory and dignity back to manufacturing, showcasing the value of diverse contributions and revitalizing an essential sector of our economy.



The Role our Products Play to Reduce our Customers’ Carbon Footprint


Our Responsibility to Build a Better Working Environment For Our Team


How we hold ourselves accountable through Action, Policy and Core Values