That means it can be added into the natural gas pipeline for use in homes, businesses, factories, and generating electricity. It can even be used as a transportation fuel. RNG is a renewable resource that can be used within our natural gas infrastructure. As we better manage our waste streams from landfills to wastewater, we can create more and more renewable natural gas. That's good because RNG is considered carbon negative. When organic waste decomposes naturally, methane escapes into the atmosphere. By capturing this gas to create renewable fuel, we are reducing greenhouse gas emissions and addressing climate change.
- LOWER CARBON FOOT PRINT - Direct-fired HTHV technology requires less natural gas to heat commercial and industrial buildings making it one of the most energy-efficient technologies available today
- REDUCED GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS - by burning less natural gas to heat facilities, direct-fired HTHV units emit reduced amounts of greenhouse gases which is better for the environment.
- RNG READY PRODUCTS - The Cambridge Air Solutions S-series direct-fired HTHV product line and our M-series are both renewable natural gas (RNG) ready.
While renewable natural gas and conventional natural gas are used in similar ways, they are developed using completely different resources and collection technologies. But what is the difference?

From the abundance and diversity of supply to its inherent physical properties and strong distribution system, natural gas is a reliable and resilient energy source.
Count on natural gas when harsh weather strikes
Natural gas is an energy source that offers fundamental resilience characteristics that make delivery more dependable during storms and other extreme weathe. Natural gas can be compressed for easy storage and transportation, making natural gas systems physically resilient.
Because natural gas is delivered through a system of underground pipelines, it is protected from the elements and far less affected by above ground conditions, making it less prone to outages.
Natural Gas is a reliable back up fuel source
When the electric grid goes down, natural gas is an excellent fuel source for powering back up generators. The market for natural gas generators designed for in-home or small business use is growing fast and expected to reach 27.1 gigawatts in North America by 2024. The price of operating one is a fraction of the price of gasoline or diesel.
A solution to balance intermittent power from renewable energy
As the nation's energy mix continues to add more renewable energy sources, natural gas can provide stability to make up shortfalls in the electric grid when renewable power generation cannot meet demand. Spikes and usage or a lack of wind or sunshine lead to considerable challanges for renewables.
Natural gas is the most cost-effective fuel for meeting marginal power needs, and natural gas powered facilities can ramp up quickly when needed. Including natural gas in the marginal generation mix reduces the cost of renewable generate electricity by providing the energy back up required to accelerate the widespread adoption of renewable power production, as the grid cannot currently meet demand using renewals alone.

Natural gas is key to a low carbon energy future
Emitting significantly lower CO2 then all other fossil fuels, natural gas is a major part of the solution as we work toward a low carbon future. Developments in wind and solar power are reducing the carbon footprint of the electric grid. Intermittent by nature, these low carbon energy sources require additional electric storage to offset the irregular power generated by solar or wind turbines. Natural gas offers reliability and stability to the energy system as additional renewable power is added to the grid, especially in peak energy demand periods. Far less expensive than other forms of energy storage, natural gas is the perfect solution to allow renewable research and advancements to continue to thrive.
Reducing carbon emissions with natural gas
The natural gas industry is committed to reducing carbon emissions. By leveraging carbon offsets, Renewable Natural Gas (RNG) certificates, carbon capture in sequestration technologies, natural gas can help achieve are low carbon and energy goals affordably while maintaining reliability.

The Cambridge Air Solutions E-series, S-series direct-fired HTHV product line and our M-series are renewable natural gas (RNG) ready.
For nearly 60 years, Cambridge Air Solutions has been helping warehousing, manufacturing and industrial leaders care for their hard-working people by making their workplaces more comfortable and more productive.
Cambridge Air Solutions exists to enrich the life of every person we touch. Enriching Lives is our rallying cry. We make a promise to improve lives through the products and services that we provide and through the way in which we interact with people all day, every day.

RNG Ready E-series RNG ready M-series RNG ready S-series
Information provided by the Energy Solutions Center Inc.