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Cambridge Replacement Program

Take advantage of the Cambridge Replacement Program and receive a rebate when you replace any existing Cambridge Heating and Ventilation Equipment

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Retrofitting Your Facility’s HVAC System: When a Capital Investment Can’t Wait

Learn why retrofitting your facility's HVAC system is more than an option—it's a necessity. Discover the signs indicating your system needs attention, the impact on energy efficiency, and the importance of regulatory compliance. With Cambridge's innovative solutions and expert guidance, ensure your facility remains efficient and future-proofed for generations to come.

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The Diverse Landscape of Hydrogen: Not All Hydrogen is Created Equal

Explore the diverse landscape of hydrogen in our latest blog. Not all hydrogen is created equal, and understanding its production methods and regional variations is crucial for sustainable energy solutions. Dive into the significance of clean hydrogen hubs and how they're shaping the future of energy.

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Building Sustainability through an HVAC System: How we can Help Take the Guesswork Out

Discover how to build sustainability through an HVAC system with our latest blog. We're here to take the guesswork out of decarbonization efforts, offering insights and tools like our Carbon Reduction Savings Tool. Learn how our expertise can guide you towards energy efficiency and a greener future.

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Navigating Decarbonization: Is Electrification in your Facility’s Future?

Discover how electrification impacts sustainability goals and costs in industrial facilities. Learn about a Carbon Reduction Savings Tool that helps assess equipment choices, with a case study comparing electric heating to Cambridge's HTHV Blow-Thru Heating system. Uncover surprising findings revealing potential increases in CO2 emissions and operating costs with electric heating. Make informed decisions about sustainability investments with guidance from our Applications Engineering team. Start your sustainability journey today by contacting your local representative.

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A Breath of Fresh, Cool Air: Cambridge ESC vs. Swamp Coolers

Find the ideal cooling solution for your specific climate – whether it's dry or humid. Dive into our in-depth comparison of Swamp Coolers and Cambridge Air Solutions ESC Units to make an informed decision for cost-effective and efficient cooling solutions.

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