
Enriching Lives During Covid -19 - Part 2

When we realized that we were going to have to address the COVID-19 situation at Cambridge Air Solutions from a corporate standpoint, we started a Steering Committee, as I am sure many of you did. Our COO/CFO was part of this committee and he stated up front that the Committee needed to act within four core principles, Wellbeing, Generosity, Creativity and Transparency. These principles fall into line with our “We exist to glorify God by enriching every life we touch.” But how exactly do you “Enrich Lives” when things are changing faster than you can react?

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How can you enrich a life during this period of uncertainty?

With global and domestic news that can be downright terrifying, it’s ok to do whatever you can to maintain a level of normalcy and comfort right now. However, it can be said that this is the time when we must do what we can to enrich a life of a fellow human being, even if that means doing so from a safe, socially distanced space. As we are all lacking the comfort of a normal routine and proximity to extended family and friends, there are things that we can still do to make another human being’s life better in some way.

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Mid-Year Maintenance: Is Your HVAC Unit In Check?

We applaud any leader's commitment to an improved work environment for their employees, and recognize the huge investment that this commitment can take. Since the heating, cooling and air quality can play such a major factor in a happy and productive environment, we wanted to provide you with some simple mid-year maintenance tips to make sure your systems are in check.

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