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Growing Leaders through Dale Carnegie Training

Cambridge recently had 33 team members graduate from Dale Carnegie Leadership Training. This was not your typical death by PowerPoint training. Instead, team members were challenged with engaging activities that enhanced their public speaking and leadership abilities.

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What can a Workplace Chaplain do for your company?

When life presents its unexpected challenges, having someone to talk to can go a long way. Cambridge provides chaplains that come in throughout the week to speak with employees. These chaplains operate on a purely anonymous basis, meaning whatever is said during conversation will not make its way around the company to others. They are there to listen to struggles and successes or engage in regular conversation. Chaplains do not operate as religious entities. They are not there to promote any specific religion but rather be  a positive resource.

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Finding Talent with Build My Future

Finding quality employees is a pain point that most companies currently struggle with. Therefore, new ways of finding talent are essential to remaining competitive in the current job market. The Build My Future trade show is one great way to engage with potential future employees.

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When is simply having safety protocols not enough?

There is likely a “Safety First” reference in every employee handbook in the United States. Every company wants to mitigate the chance that one of their own could get hurt or worse. While the work has been done to establish safe practices, the ability to translate a protocol into real-time, real-life risk reduction is often disconnected.

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Working with Dan Doriani: Creating a Healthy Business

The Working with Dan Doriani podcast seeks to fire the imagination on Christians who long to practice their faith at work. This episode features Cambridge's John Kramer, CEO.

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AME 2 Second Lean Tour

Cambridge had the pleasure of hosting a tour for AME presented by Paul Akers. We made a few stops during the tour to show off our “2 Second Lean” improvements around the facility. Here we would like to share some of the examples of employee genius at Cambridge.

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